Home. 23:44
"It's ready", a cold, synthesized, mechanical voice came in hard on my ears. Sound waves echoed violently in my head, bouncing off my brain cavity causing tremors that rocked me hard, back into reality. I hung up my cell and stared out blank.
"It is time", I heard myself saying. It was an eerily dark and warm night. But chills from within me made me shiver, because the end was just around the corner.
Secret Armory Warehouse, Somewhere out of town. 08:00
The gates to the armory were tall but rusty, painting the impression of an old abandoned warehouse . I flashed my secret agent badge to a uniform in cigarettes. He opened the gates with a push of the button, barely looking at my face.
"So much for top security", I murmured.
" Trop, trop, trop", the motorized gates opened ridiculously slowly like an ancient drawbridge. It was an utter challenge of my patience. I tapped my feet impatiently on the ground.
"I've waited for days, I can wait another 20 seconds . . .", I consoled myself.
"Eh, sabar lah", the guard saw through my facial expression.
I could only return a fake smile.
"Sakit perut lah, boleh cepat sikit", I was surprised with my impromptu ingenuity in making up stories.
I took the lift down 19th levels. It was a secret facility after all. They say the deeper you get the better chances you get from evading enemy detection. The lift cranked all the way down. Perhaps it was time they greased the chains a little. The descent came to an abrupt stop, jerking violently as it did so.
The doors opened to a contrasting reality. It was a 5-star premise with polished marble floors, futuristic wall panels and counters. Smartly dressed employees walked around in heels and briefcases, noses up high with halos of confidence dangling on top of their heads.
"Saya nak cari Agent J", I told the reception. She paged J, barely looking at me. That came with the package of being an undercover secret agent. Not to mention the best.
I took a seat on a posh leather black sofa. It was the most comfortable sofa I've had in years. I amused myself looking at bypassers, waiting for J to appear. The next time I checked my watch, it was an hour later.
"Patience . . .", I consoled myself again. I approached the reception to page J again, in case she forgot.
"Aiyo, mafan lah kamu", I could see it from her face.
It took a good 15 minutes for J to turn up. J was my contact in the agency. I took instructions from J under heavy cover. As secretive as she could get, she passed me some forms to be signed, then she passed me the package.
"This is Little Kina", J said. "You know what to do from here".
Little Kina was an A-Bomb, or AHHH-Bomb. It was designed to deliver a blast so great, that the government had sworn total secrecy in keeping it behind the underground. Literally underground. The target would be totally annihilated and goes "Ahhhhhh!".
I held the payload with great care. The end was even fearfully nearer, in my hands. I was all set to execute Syok and Awe.
Eagle's Nest. 10:59
The key to success for Syok and Awe was the element of surprise. Stay low and don't blow your cover. Get in in the blanket of darkness. Plant the payload, detonate, get out alive, and you save the day. You feel syok and the enemy awes at you. That was game plan.
I walked into Eagle's Next with these steps in mind, reciting over and over again like a hamster on treadmills. I hid Little Kina, concealing it well, wouldn't want any arouse any suspicion.
My target was the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord came from the Toilet Dimension, a world made of things you would find in the toilet, including those of organic origin. The Dark Lord vowed to take make us slaves and rule our world.
The government had been on his tail for 10 years. Intel colelcted led to the development Little Kina. If it worked as the brilliant brains thought it would, it would send him back to where he came from. And now it was the moment of truth.
I saw the Dark Lord walking around executing his evil plans. I had to come up with a plan to get him cornered to deliver the ultimate blow. I sent him a text asking him to meet me at a secluded corner to minimze civilian casualties.
He casually obliged, not suspecting that his days were numbered.
"Muahahah ha ha ha", the devil in my laughed out loud. He just couldn't resist.
Eagle's Nest, North Wall. 11:30
The sun was up high in the bright blue sky, casting small, round shadows of me on the dry soil. The Dark Lord walked calmly towards me. His breath stinked with a strong stench. I had to tahan, I told myself.
"What ah? si mi tai ji?", the Dark Lord asked in the most malevolent voice.
"No ah no ah, me hoh, got something to tell you . . .", I replied calmly, trying to maintain the element of surprise.
"What jek?", I saw his confused face. He was already one foot in the mouse trap.
"What jek what jek??", he started to get more curious, another foot in the mouse trap.
"Dark lord ah, I got hoh . . . something to give you hoh . . .", I gave him a cunning smirk, confusing him even more.
"What ah?? Present ah?", the scene was set, I was ready to deliver Little Kina.
In a flash, faster than a speeding bullet, I pulled out Little Kina from under my jacket.
"Present your head!! take this . . .", I sang out in a victorious tune.
The Dark Lord looked in horror as he caught Little Kina which I threw at him.
"NOOoooooooo. . .", he cried out loud.
"He he he", I gave a wicked smirk while I pulled out the detonator.
"Why? Tell me why?", the Dark Lord asked, hoping for an answer.
"Because I can . . . ", my words flew like daggers hitting a bulls eye.
I clicked the button, and ducked under a small rock.
"KabooOOoomMMmm . . ."

Eagle's Nest, What Remains of North Wall. 12:14
The earth shook and the sky crackled, followed by utter silence. I stood up to find the the Dark Lord beaten. Little Kina did well. It was the end of the Dark Lord's reign.
I had placed a significant mile stone to the story of my life. I was ready to move on to the next chapter, where greater peaks await to be conquered, and greater evil await to be slain.
Eagle's Nest, What Remains of North Wall. 12:14
The earth shook and the sky crackled, followed by utter silence. I stood up to find the the Dark Lord beaten. Little Kina did well. It was the end of the Dark Lord's reign.
I had placed a significant mile stone to the story of my life. I was ready to move on to the next chapter, where greater peaks await to be conquered, and greater evil await to be slain.